Posh Has Moment Of Clarity
Poor Old Posh has been whining about her looks, claiming hubby David is the sexy one of the pair…. no arguments there honey!
Posh says in The Daily Mirror: "I always say to David, you're naturally so talented and good looking, so much more so than me. Everyone always says, 'Oh David, he's so good looking and so sexy', whereas I'm 'funny'. I don't want to be 'funny'. What do I have to do to be seen as sexy too?!"
What do you have to do? Well you could try eating something bitch! No one wants to jump an old bag of bones especially when the bones look like they might snap!
Click here to order your very own t shirt like David’s
More Rank & Bile
God he is soooo sexy!
Posh was only ever sexy for about 5 minutes back in 1997 - she had a bit of meat on her and a fab pair of legs. People don't equate anorexia with sexiness, no matter what the media tries to tell you. Some people just weren't made to be sexy.
"as for David he might look good in designer suits but in a plain old $24.50 Abercrombie T shirt he looks even better."
you know that's right..
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