Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Orphans Are The New Black

I blame it all on Audrey Hepburn, as a style icon she is second to none and every week some dreary starlet is working the Audrey look. Hell! Last week even Michael Jackson got in on the act in St Tropez

And it’s not just the little Givenchy frocks and slim pants they all want to copy. Audrey’s last days were spent as a goodwill ambassador for Unicef and the pictures of her with starving orphans became some of the most iconic of her career.

Now everyone wants to be seen with Orphans. Orphans it seems are the must have new accessory. Everyone from Reese Witherspoon & Beyonce to Leonardo De caprio & Mariah Carey, are in on the act and no photo-op is complete without a sprinkling of deprived tots. Do you think there’s an agency that supplies them just for shoots? If there isn’t someone should start one and quick.

I have visions of Rachel Zoe screaming into her cell phone .…I have a photo-shoot with Nicole, get me everything from this season in a size zero, the new Hermes Birkin bag and a dozen assorted orphans!

Actually Rachel is probably the only stylist

bucking the trend. But I guess it’s not good for the celebs to look thinner than the orphans!

As is always the case in the world of fashion and PR the real A listers like Madonna and Angelina get to take the accessories home after the shoot.

More Rank & Bile

1 comment:

Irene said...

HaHa! You got that right. I just hope these celebrities really do take good care of their adopted children and not merely use them for show.