Saturday, October 28, 2006

Nicole Richie Finally In Rehab For Her Weight Issues

So, Nicole Richie has gone into re-hab to sort out her Crystal Meth addiction….erm sorry I meant her weight issues. Her rep says:

“Nicole Richie has decided to undergo diagnostic treatment to determine why she’s not been putting on any weight. She is working with a team of doctors and specialists whose focus is nutrition. It is important to Nicole that she achieves this goal in a healthy way as this is not a treatment for an eating disorder.”

Hmm does she really need to go into rehab for this? I could think of a much easier way…..just bloody eat something.

It’s not difficult Nicole! But in case you you’re struggling here is the Rank & Bile 4 step programme to help you:

Step 1. open mouth

Step 2. insert food

Step 3. chew

Step 4. swallow

…No really Nicole! It is that simple!

More Rank & Bile

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eat something Nicole!!