Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Bobble Heads With Bobs Enough Already!

Lordy! Did we miss the e mail proclaiming Posh is a trendsetter? Ever since the skinny cow cut her extensions off everyone has gone bob crazy!

Now I’m sorry but the last person who could carry off a Bob was Lousie Brooks in the 1920’s but has that stopped a whole rash of celebrities from rushing like lemmings to get bobbed? Hell no!

Thank god most of the have the sense to work it as a wig so as soon as they actually realise how dumb it looks they can go back to a decent weave/style/ extensions.

Janet, Gwen, Madge and co stop it at once!

More Rank & Bile

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No No No Janet! So wrong on so many levels!