Car Crash of The Month - Naomi Campbell
Kidnapping And Battery - A day In The Life Of Naomi Campbell! Yes Campbell is in the soup again, as yet another ex-employee sues her. Amanda Brack, of Fort Lauderdale, accused Campbell of assault, battery, false imprisonment and infliction of emotional distress! Wow! False imprisonment that’s a new one for Naomi!
The two met in Paris in a nightclub ladies' room where Campbell was upset about a "costume malfunction."? He said Brack helped and impressed the model, who then asked Brack to work for her. Brack's lawsuit says, "Shortly after being hired, defendant Campbell initiated a series of verbal and physical and emotional attacks against (Brack) such that plaintiff suffered both physical and emotional injuries."McCarthy said Campbell assaulted his client in several incidents that occurred in 2005 in Brazil, Morocco and in Campbell's apartment in Manhattan. Way to go Naomi! Abuse on 3 continents. She must be out of jewel encrusted blackberrys (Naomi’s weapon of choice) by now!
This isn't the first time Naomi has battered the hired help, back in April she was led away in handcuffs (and a fetching white poncho) as another employee accused her of hurling her phone at her and there have been two other law suits from disgruntled ex-employees all alledging Miss Campbell's violent streak. How long before the supermodel ends up behind bars?
Good grief! Who does she think she is? You'd think coming from lowly beginings in Streatham she'd have had alittle more empathy with her maids? After all there but for the grace of God and some good genes.....
Someone get this girl some anger management counselling!
More Rank & Bile
Lol she really is FIERCE in every sense of the word!
What a supermodel.. I didn't know what to say.. She is really mad..
Ironic, really - if ever anyone needed a slap, it was her.
Keep up the good work »
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